Monaranjan Pradhan

Manoranjan Pradhan, a leading Odissi dancer and teacher
is now visiting San Diego, California, as guest
instructor of Odissi dance for the Center for World
Pradhan is a disciple of legendary Gurus Padmashree
Pankaj Charan Das, Padmabhusan Kelucharan Mohapatra, and
the late Deba Prasad Das and has spent many years
learning and teaching at the Orissa Dance Academy,
Bhubaneswar, Orissa, under the supervision and guidance
of Guru Gangadhar Pradhan. At the Odissi Research
Centre in Bhubaneswar, he furthered his career by
directly learning from Guru Kelucharan Mohapatra.
His performance blends artistic expression and exquisite
movement of the body and feet at a level that has been
achieved by very few of his contemporaries.
Manoranjan Pradhan has performed for Door Darshan (Indian
television) and in many prestigious dance festivals all
over India, the USA, Canada, and Mexico, including the
Konark Dance Festival, the Konark Music and Dance
Festival, and SPIC-MACAY programs. He has taught
Odissi dance in many schools inside and outside Orissa,
most recently at the Odissi Research Centre and the
Orissa Dance Academy. In April 94, Sri Pradhan was
given the "Debaprasad Memorial Award" for being
the top student in the post-graduate studies for Odissi
dance in the Utkal Sangeet Mahavidyalaya of Utkal
University. Recent gradation by Orissa government
has put him in the "A" class artist category.
This is his third visit to the USA.
Indian Classical Dances
Odissi Form
Odissi Centres
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